Join Protein, Carbs & Fat at a Party:
Protein, carbs, and fat walk into a party...and here’s how they make your meal epic and balanced!"

Your energy, metabolism and immune system. What's going on the ingredient we pick and the food we eat. Your fav meal, snacks and drink are supporting your energy in the form of protein, carbohydrates and/or fats.

Meet Your Protein Friend

Protein Pete

" I am more than Just the Chicken Breast, but if you want to stick with it, i have no problem with you. "

Builds muscles, repairs tissues, and powers your immune system.

Find me at:
Chicken, tofu, eggs, beans, nuts, and lentils, etc.

Favorite Combo:
Tandoori chicken, tofu stir-fry, shakshuka eggs, lentil dal, and a hearty bowl of miso soup.

Maybe we can crerate: “What’s Your Macronutrient Personality?”

Meet Carbohydrate Carl

Complex Carbs vs. Simple Carbs

Carb Carl

I am the energy booster who keeps you going strong, from sunrise to midnight snack.

Favorite Combo:
udon noodles, warm baguettes, sweet plantains, and buttery parathas.

Find me at:
bread, pasta, potatoes, Quinoa, chickpeas, and cassava, etc.

Delivers quick & steady fuel to power your day—'Carl’s the MVP of your plate.'

Meet Fat Freddie

People always avoid me like a Jinx, but you don't know about be at all!

Fat Freddie

Favorite Combo:
Silky tuna sashimi, guac tortillas, burrata and pesto pasta, coconut milk in curries, and pão de queijo.

Find me at:
Olive oil, avocado, nut, butter, and coconut oil, cheese, cream, fatty fish, etc.

Delivers quick & steady fuel to power your day—'Carl’s the MVP of your plate.'

Recipes for tonight's dinner. What type of cuisine comes to your mind? I might be craving for Chinese food. Search yours below?

your Recipes Drop

You didn’t come this far to stop

Grocery Shopping

There are some tips and trick

  • Protein = Muscle power (with images of strong athletes)

  • Carbs = Quick energy (with images of a runner or someone powering through a busy day)

  • Fats = Brain fuel (with a brain graphic or an image of a thinker)